Community Guidelines

Our goal is to ensure that Typetrigger is a safe, respectful space for creative practice. Writing can be hard work, and often requires  the writer be vulnerable. As writers, each of us deserves to be protected by our community.

Appropriate behavior on Typetrigger boils down to a single basic reminder: Don’t be a jerk. We expand this into a few basic areas below. As time goes on we’re sure we will continue to elaborate on these, but our sincere hope is to do so as little as possible. We don’t want to craft a list of prohibitions, but rather to encourage a community culture of generosity and mutual support.

Specific content rules:

  • Don’t harass others. No threats, hate, stalking, defamation or personal attacks.
  • The privacy of other users is sacred.
  • Don’t steal or plagiarize, or otherwise infringe on the intellectual property rights of others.
  • Sexually explicit or obscene content is not allowed. This is an “all ages” site. We draw the line at R-rated content and ask that you clearly tag mature content as such.
  • Obviously, no spam.

Human interaction is endlessly complex, subject to divergent interpretations, full of gray areas. We take great pleasure in this, both as writers and as people, and hope you do, too. When limits and gray areas are explored thoughtfully and with respect, the community ends up stronger for it. On the other hand, pushing boundaries just to antagonize people isn’t participating in the community at all. So don’t be like that.

At the end of the day, it is the responsibility of each member of the community to participate in the community project with an open heart, and a sense of civic duty. We’re gonna hold you to this.